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  • Frances McFarland

The Promise Inside the Apple

Did you know there is a promise tucked inside every apple? The story of The Little Red House with No Window and No Doors delights children when an apple is sliced open to reveal a star hidden inside. As I was preparing my lesson on God's promise to Abraham, I thought of this story. What a rich opportunity to engage children while teaching them that God is faithful to keep His promises. I used this apple object lesson in Sunday school with my preschoolers and again for an inspirational moment with my grandchildren, ages 6 to 14. Adapt your presentation to make it age-appropriate for any age group!


Share the message with your children or grandchildren!

I condensed a video of a meaningful moment with my grandchildren during our mountain weekend. Take a peek at this short video to see my presentation of The Promise Inside the Apple.


The Apple Seed Object Lesson is one that even engages preschoolers

Preschoolers learn about God's promise to Abraham as they look inside an apple.

When the curriculum scheduled a lesson on God's promise to Abraham, I brought apples to my class. Here are some simple instructions if you'd like to use the idea in your classroom:

  1. Gather children around the table. Have a knife, a cutting board, and an apple ready.

  2. Encourage a time of discovery and discussion through a series of questions.

  3. Explain, when we cut the apple in half, we'll see this promise. (Cut the apple down its middle and show the star shape that holds its seed.)

  • What do you see inside?

  • What do you see inside the star?

  • What will happen when these seeds go back into the ground?

  • What will grow on the trees?

  • What will happen when those apples fall to the ground?

  • What will grow on those trees?

Transition into the lesson:

The apple's star holds a delicious promise. God created the apple tree and promises that there are going to be more and more apple trees and more and more apples!

Long ago, God pointed to the stars to reveal a much greater promise. It was not a promise of lots and lots of apples. It was a promise of lots and lots of children. Listen to what the Bible tells about God's promise to Abraham... and His promise to the world!

Bible Story Time...

Abraham and Sarah were rich. They had lots of sheep, goats, donkeys, and camels. But there was something that they did not have. Sarah and Abraham didn't have children. They wanted a baby, but they were old. It made them sad to think that they would never have children. One day, God talked to Abraham. He told him to leave his home and go to a new land that He would show him.

Genesis 12:1-2 "The Lord had said to Abram, 'Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you'

A great nation? Abraham and Sarah didn't even have one child. Was God's promise to give Abraham a big family too hard to believe? Sarah laughed when she heard the angel tell Abraham that she would have a baby boy. She thought she was too old to have a baby. But nothing is impossible for God. God wanted Abraham to know that.

Genesis 15:5 He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.”

God did keep His promise. Sarah did have a baby boy. They named him Isaac. Isaac grew up and married a girl named Rebecca. Isaac and Rebecca had children, and their children had children, and their children had children.... More and more children were born into Abraham's family. Just like the sky is filled with stars, Abraham's family was filled with children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. God kept His promise. The most wonderful promise of all was God's promise to send His Son into the world. One day, a special baby would be born into Abraham's family. He would be the great, great, great, great, great... grandfather of Jesus!

Whenever you eat an apple, think about the promises inside its star. At night, when you look up at the stars, remember God's promise to Abraham. Thank Him for keeping His promises. Thank Him for sending His Son, Jesus, into the world!

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