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  • Writer's pictureFrances McFarland

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

I thought about Mama as I pushed candles into a yellow bed of confectionary hay covering the top of Jesus' birthday cake. The party is a tradition she began almost forty years ago. Mama loved her grandchildren, and she loved Jesus. At Christmas, her heart's desire was to bring them together in a special way.

Christmas Eve gatherings at our homeplace were the highlight of the holiday season for my sisters and our families. Mama's joyful greeting did more to warm us than the fire crackling in the wood stove. Soon after we slid armfuls of presents under the tree and laid out dishes for the evening meal, she called her grandchildren to the kitchen table. Little ones tucked their feet under their knees to bring them to a height that offered the best view of her cake, baked and decorated with extra portions of love.

The flame on Daddy's tall candle gave light to birthday candles representing each child, while Mama led them in singing "Happy Birthday to Jesus". For a few golden moments, she guided their anxious eyes away from the presents under the tree and reminded them that Jesus gave His very life for us. She passed out pencils and paper to write, draw pictures, or dictate what they could offer to Jesus as their gift to Him in the coming year. Precious gifts from their hearts made the presents under the tree seem small. More than anything, Mama wanted her grandchildren to know Jesus.

The children who once blew out the candles and wrote down their gifts for Jesus are now moms and dads who bring their own children to His party table. As we gathered to celebrate this year, the candles glowing on my grandchildren's small cakes were more meaningful to me than those of an ordinary birthday celebration. I prayed the same prayer that my mama prayed for my children... That their hearts would always shine with the light of Jesus, and that their faith would be a beacon of light for the generation to come.

I'm pretty sure Mama was smiling in heaven when her great-grandchildren gathered around the table to celebrate Jesus' birthday this year. Even though she wasn't with us for our Christmas celebration, I somehow feel she experienced heavenly joy knowing my sisters and I are holding out the torch she so lovingly placed in our hands!


God bless you this Christmas as you fan the flame of faith in the hearts of the children in your life!


Merry Christmas to you and yours!


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Dec 25, 2023

Beautiful! Made me cry. Your mom was a sweet lady and so are you!

Frances McFarland
Frances McFarland
Dec 26, 2023
Replying to

Thank you, Barbara. We both had wonderful mothers! Makes us realize the impact we have in our families' lives, doesn't it? I applaud you for being such a loving grandmother to your precious grandson. God bless you in all the paths your travel, to bring him to the feet of Jesus.

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